Download Report: Sahtú Land Use Plan Annual Monitoring Report 2021/22
Dear Planning Partners,
The Sahtú Land Use Planning Board (“SLUPB”) is happy to release its second annual monitoring report on the implementation of the Sahtú Land Use Plan ( “Plan”). It deals with the way the Plan has been implemented by Regulators by monitoring the authorizations/dispositions they issued between April 1st, 2021, and March 31st, 2022. In addition to this, a new requirement was implemented this year, which required Regulators to report on how they considered the Plan’s Conformity Requirements. These are the rules that must be followed by land use activities requiring an authorization/disposition issued by a Regulator. This is an important step into understanding how the Plan is being implemented, and continue work with Regulators to make sure that it is understood. The ultimate goal is to evaluate how the Plan’s clarity can be improved to better achieve the guiding principles of the Plan, as set out in the Sahtu Dene and Metis Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement (SDMCLCA).
The Plan is a document that outlines what land uses are allowed, where they are allowed, and under what conditions. Its primary purpose is to protect and promote the well-being of the people and communities in the Sahtú Settlement Area. The Plan’s goals focus on sustaining ecological and cultural integrity, increasing community capacity and decision-making about land and resource management, and increasing economic self-sufficiency through sustainable development. The Plan is implemented by a range of governments and organizations that approve land uses in the Sahtú Settlement Area. These are the Regulators that reported on the land use activities requiring an authorization/disposition, as presented in this report.
We hope that this document provides a useful overview for all Planning Partners as a means to understand how the Plan is being implemented by Regulators. We will be publishing yearly reports followed by a detailed review and evaluation after several years of monitoring. Another component the SLUPB will be looking at in the coming years is its Stream 2 monitoring, which will evaluate how the Plan’s vision and goals are being achieved.
The SLUPB would like to thank all of the Regulators who shared information for this year’s monitoring report, and we look forward to continuing working with Regulators on improving the Plan’s understanding and develop solutions that better enable its implementation. This collaborative work also helps SLUPB staff understand the challenges faced by Regulators, assisting them in improving their own internal processes. We recommend readers to visit the SLUPB’s website at, where you will find a variety of other resources that support the Plan. Our staff people and Board Members are also happy to answer questions and listen to your input. By contributing to SLUPB activities, together we all can improve the implementation of the Plan.
Heather Bourassa, Chairperson,
Sahtú Land Use Planning Board
Menı rakǝzǝ Ɂeghálayudake ts’é ɂedatl’e,
Sahtú Land Use Planning Board (‘’SLUPB’’) ɂedıní hederı xaı gotegodéwe toréht’e nídé Sahtú gonénék’e dá k’į́nagoyı̨w’e (‘’Plan’’) goɂedı̨htl’é bek’e gots’udǝ gha ɂeká kıghǫɂarahęt’e. Hederı ɂedı̨htl’e bedágháré April 1st, 2021 hé March 31st, 2022 ɂekuhxaı gok’énehta yerı goghálakeyı̨da hé xǝdǝ hehsı̨ dagháré gok’e k’į́nagokeyı̨ɂa ɂareyǫ́né begodé gok’e rį́kenétl’e ɂekú gogha dátl’e. Ɂeyı dágéts’é hı̨dúh menı lánı nek’e ɂeghálayeda nídé gok’e k’į́narehta xǝdǝ bedágháré ɂeghálakeyúda ɂek’óne hehsı̨ bek’éhtá ɂeghálats’eyúda yíle kehé dá k’į́nagaw’e ghǫ ɂekáɂakǝdı gha. Hederı xǝdǝ bek’é ɂeghálats’eyuda hehsı̨ la menı lánı nehk’e ɂeghálakeyeda nídé bedágháré ɂeghálakeyeda wóle gha ɂahęt’e. Gogháré menı lánı nehk’e ɂeghálats’eyeda nídé súré xǝdǝ k’éhtá ɂeghálakeyeda got’ódeɂa kokenıhshǫ gha gok’ek’į́nakerehta gha. Ɂeyı Sahtú Dene hé Tadǝ́ Mǫ́la ke gha neh Hesórídaonét’ǫ gha Ɂelehé xǝdǝ hehsı̨ (SDMCLCA) bedágháré xǝdǝ hehsı̨ ɂahęt’e hé ɂareyǫ́né bek’éhtá ɂeghálats’eyuda gha ɂahęt’e.
Hederı Ɂedı̨htl’e the Plan dedı ɂeyıla bedágháré judenı nénék’e dúle gok’e ɂeghálakeyeda hé dádéhwá dúle ɂegúhyǝ́ ɂeghálakeyeda gózǝ yerı dúle gok’e ɂeghálakeyeda daı gogha xǝdǝ dagháré ɂeghálakeyeda gha. Xǝdǝ begháré ɂeghálakeyuda ɂeyı la begháré Sahtú Gonéné Kesórídaonét’ǫ yíle gok’e t’ásą́ɂagodǝ goch’á dene ghame kek’éyedıgodı gha ɂagot’ı̨. Ɂeyı ɂedı̨htl’e dedı ɂeyıla bedágháré hıdúh neh dá gok’e góɂǫ légúwoht’e hé judenı gonéné gots’edíhsha hé keyagots’ewę kek’égudı gha, gózǝ kǫ́ę́ kádéɂa hį́t̨́ı̨ kunénék’e dá k’į́naguw’e hé gots’ę dúle lanı nehk’e ɂeghálakeyeda nídé gots’ę sǫ́ba deneghádéwowı goką ɂagot’ı̨ gha, gózǝ nehk’e denezǝ ɂagot’ı̨ gháré dene ɂedegha sǫ́ba kehsı̨ gha. Hederı Sahtú Gonéné Kesórídaonét’ǫ hehsı̨ ɂeyı government gots’ę hé gózǝ kǫ́ta gots’ę ɂeghálayída kádeɂá gots’ę w’ıla ɂedı̨htl’é hehsı̨ kudágháre dátl’e. Hederı ke hį́t’ı̨ yá judenı nehk’e ɂeghálakeyída hé ɂareyǫ́né nehk’e dák’į́nagaw’e goxǝdǝ́ shı̨keyelǝ hagú yerı kegokíhɂǫ goghǫ xǝdǝ ɂedı̨htl’é kehsı̨.
Hederı ɂedıhtl’é dagháré menı lánı nehk’e ɂeghálayeda ke hé menı xǝdǝ bedagháré ɂeghálats’eyeda hehsı̨ ke daı ɂareyǫ́né xǝdǝ bek’étah ɂegháyeláts’eyeda kokedúhsha gogha dátl’e ɂahęt’e. Lígí xaı gotegodewe toreht’e ɂekúh xaı dágaw’e ghǫ ɂedítl’e gha bǝzǝ júhnǝ dáreht’e xaı gots’ę yerı hé judenı ɂeghálakeyeda gok’ek’į́naríta goxǝdǝ behé déhtl’e gha. Gózǝ SLUPB hı̨dówé nídé hederı Stream 2 goghálayídá kéɂegokerúhw’I kenıwę ɂeyıla begháré hıdú yerı k’ek’į́nakerehta hé sú gonezǫ́ gaw’e kéɂets’íja gha .
Ɂeyı SLUPB menı xǝdǝ bek’éhtá ɂeghálats’eyuda hehsı̨ gok’e k’į́narehta ke xǝdǝ shıyala yíle raxeghárala goghǫ máhıs̨ raxǫdílı, hıdówé gots’é raxezǝ ɂeghálayewída gogha ɂed́ní ɂeghálats’eyeda gha.raxegháré yerı hé gonezó k’į́nagow’e hé yerı dúle gots’éɂǫ́né gonezǫ́ k’į́naguw’e kots’ehnıhshǫ gha. Hederı xǝdǝ shı̨ts’eyéla yıle begháré SLUPB xǝdǝ dágóhlı̨ k’éhtá ɂeghálats’eyeda gha godǝyı̨ kegots’íhɂa gha gogháré ɂekǝdǝdını yerı goghálakeyuda kegokíhɂaı gha. Hagú hóyí dene w’ıla wayı yerı goghálayída kodewahsha gogha SLUPB at gok’e gáyahda. Déhyǝ́ t’áhıs̨ goghǫ kots’edúhsha ts’enıwę nídé dúle menı raxegha ɂeghálayeda ts’é gahdǝ. Ɂeyı SLUPB kuts’érádats’edı gháré dúle gots’éɂǫ́nę́ gonezó dene ghame ɂeghálayída gha.
Heather Bourassa, Chairperson
Sahtú Land Use Planning Board